We received Fenn's mattress via Fed Ex yesterday! No crib yet - it should be here within a week - but at least we have the mattress. So he's got a place to sleep if he decides to come early.
I'm posting so seldomly on here now that when I do, I doubt many people see it. There just isn't a lot of news right now plus I've been pretty busy with Real Estate activity over the past couple of months.
We are officially in the third trimester now - 28 weeks yesterday - which is 70%. In a way - it seems like the past 6 months have flown by. But, 3 months also sounds like a long time to wait.
In addition to ordering the crib, we've been working on other fun stuff in the past week like creating a will, talking life insurance,etc. May as well buy a grave while we're on such fun tasks!
We are going to see Dr Sullivan every 2 weeks now. They are pretty quick appts. Mommy blood pressure, weight, and baby heartbeat and measurement - and we're done. Anne has finally started to gain a little weight - although it's still just a total of about 9 lbs. So - she'll probably gain 10-15 lbs over the next 10 weeks or so. She's starting to get a bit more tired, and becoming a little less mobile - but overall, still feeling very good.
Anne has decided Fenn has a sweet tooth. She says after she eats ice cream or other sweets he gets more active. Sugar high I guess!