Saturday, October 23, 2010

Today is the Day!

Anne's water broke this morning. We've been at the hospital all day - been a long day so far. Contractions started slowly, then sped up, then got very painful. Then dialated 3 cm - then an epidural. Now, a little calm before the storm as we progress! Mommy feels much better after the epidural!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Little Boy Scorpio

Well, unless Fenn is born in the next couple of days - he's going to be a Scorpio (strangely - some places say Scorpio starts Oct 23, some say 24th).

Anyway - I don't put much stock in it - but for fun - I decided to see what that meant.

Scorpio - One site I looked at called them 'mysterious little angels'.

Baby Scorpios know what they want and have strong personalities. They are quick to learn, active and intelligent (of course!). They are very curious, particularly about things that are hidden or a mystery to them.

Baby Scorpios are prone to accidents because of their need to be places or do things more quickly than anyone else.

Scorpios like to have a private place of their own - in their room or a secret hiding place - to give them a sense of security.

Scorpio children are loyal and loving to family and friends - but are wary of strangers. They also bear pain better than most, so parents have to look closely for signs of discomfort.

Scorpios tend to be introverted in their interactions with other kids. They can be vengeful if anyone takes or breaks their toys. Parents need to teach tolerance, because Scorpios like a good fight.

Scorpio babies never play or compete just for the heck of it. The goal of winning is always the reason.

I also read several places where Scorpio babies have a hypnotic gaze - to the point where it makes some people uncomfortable because they stare without any expression.

Come on Fenn - don't creep me out by staring at me all the time!

39 weeks....and a day

Well, we're now only 6 days away from Fenn's due date. We're getting very anxious - kind of ready to get things rolling.
We had an appt a couple of days ago. Nothing much has changed. No dialation but pretty well effaced. We go back in Monday morning. The Doc wanted us to come early Monday morning so that if things had progressed - we would have Monday and Tuesday to decide on possibly inducing. But - he also said not to count on it.
It also looks like he won't let us go beyond 41 weeks - so two weeks from today - a baby should be here!

I took the car to the police station yesterday to get the car seat checked. I'd messed up a couple of different things - so I guess it's good we got it checked out. It's all set now and ready to go. I even went and got my flu shot yesterday so I don't get the little guy sick. I'm starting to run out of things to dream up to do in order to get ready.

He's only got 10 days left if he's going to make it here in time to wear any Halloween clothes.....and if he's going to have an October birthday.

Anne is still feeling pretty good all things considered. I think she's ready to get him out though. He's big enough now he's all up in her ribs and it's pretty hard for her to get comfortable. He sticks out a lot too. Sometimes it looks like Anne has a softball coming out of her stomach. I don't think she does though.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

37 Weeks

37 Weeks today! We had an appt Monday - and the Dr told us he doesn't expect to see Fenn in the next couple of weeks. He also said he doesn't let people get more than a week past due. So, looks like we'll be around the 20th at the very earliest, and around the 3rd of November at the latest. At least that narrows it down!

Thanks to fantastic family and friends, we've had 3 showers, and have most everything we need. All we need is somebody to use all this stuff.

Time has really gone quickly over the past few months (I think even Anne agrees!). But now, it seems to be slowing down a bit. We're in the home stretch and are just ready to see the little guy. Friends Jennifer and Jamie...and Brooke and Dustin have both had their little girls in the past couple of weeks - So it's our turn!

Anne still feels good for the most part. She's having a harder time getting comfortable to sleep - but all things considered - we've been very fortunate.

So.....the remaining question....Will Fenn make it in time for Halloween or not? Any bets?