Thursday, September 25, 2014

100 Years

Something I've thought about often throughout my life. What will be left of me in 100 years?
Part of that is in a physical sense. Although there isn't much mystery there - we all know that there isn't much left of us 100 years from now. A few bones, maybe some ash. Maybe under a shade tree in a cemetery or spread over some meaningful location. This concept has always frightened me. Death has always scared me. The thought of no longer existing on this earth has always been something very difficult for me to cope with.

But what about the non-physical portion of it? What else will be left? What legacy is left? Children? Grandchildren? After a generation or two - anybody that actually knew you is no longer there either. The people that knew you and talked to you and could tell stories about you have also moved on. Are you able to leave any kind of lasting legacy beyond that? Is there anything in your life that you can accomplish that makes you last after those stories for a generation or two? A select few are able to leave a legacy like that. But most of us just get our few decades, a microscopic piece of the timeline of history. And then we're gone.

Does that mean we are to work harder to create a more lasting legacy? Or does it mean we just accept that our time will end. That the reality is that our story will simply end.

Or, does that lengthened legacy matter? Is my job on this earth only to create my boys? Are Fenn and Lincoln my legacy? Is my legacy beyond that even within my control? Do they control my legacy?

100 years from now someone will be writing down their thoughts on some kind of computerish device that we can't currently imagine. 100 years from now somebody's kids will be running around giggling and playing in the next room. 100 years from now government and countries will still be battling. 100 years from now people will be over-analyzing both complex and simple concepts.

And 100 years from now, I will have been under my shade tree or in my meaningful location for a good 60 years. Will anything other than that remain?

Half Full? Or Half Empty?

Well folks, we are 1 month away from having a 4 year old, and a little over 2 months from having a 2 year old.
Now that we're approaching those milestones, the day-to-day care seems to be a bit simpler. And maybe that allows a little more time for some writing.
I'll still keep you informed on how the miniature Hager boys are coming along, but I expect I'm also going to spend some time veering off course, and exploring some other topics.

First - On Topic:
Fenn has started pre-school. Hard to believe he's old enough to do that. It's crazy how much he looks like a little boy with his hair all fancied up and his backpack on. He really likes going to school and interacting with the other kids. He needs the interaction and the practice at following instructions.
Fenn continues to amaze with his mind. He can add. He can subract. He can read just about anything you put in front of him. All of that money spend on fresh produce has really paid off!

Lincoln is becoming a bit more of a 'traditional' little guy. He likes buses and airplanes. He likes to break stuff. He prefers defiance over obedience. You know, all the stuff expected of little boys. Although, his big brother had definitely worn off on him as well. Lincoln can count to ten (and 10 to 1 I'm afraid). And he can identify most of his letters.
He's also starting to string together some sentences. And I think he's realized that's he's nearing 2 - because he's becoming very strong willed. Everything he comes in contact with.....or sees.....or essentially anything on this earth....Is HIS. And that's that.
But, Lincoln is also an incredibly cute, sweet little guy. Hard to resist that face when he wants a snack when he's already had one, or wants to do something you don't want to do.....or wants a new car.....

Now - Off Topic:

I heard a discussion today on a sports radio (related to my playoff bound Royals!!!) regarding half full vs half empty. One guy said he was half full.....the positive type. The other was half empty....more of a negative outlook.

I realized something during that discussion. I'm neither half full or half empty. I far as I'm concerned, both of those guys have the exact same amount of water (or whatever their beverage of choice is) in their cup. Label how you'd like - but half full and half empty are the same thing. I suppose you can claim to be positive and say it's half full. Or be the negative type and say your stuff is halfway gone. But at the end of the day - realistically - is there a difference? Does that perception alter the reality?

If you still owe have your car loan, have you already paid for half.....or have you ONLY paid for half? If it's July 1 - is half of the year already gone? Or do you still have a full half of the year left? If Lincoln poops 4 times in 3 hours - does that really stink (so to speak), or is it good because he's probably done for 24 hours?

Now, of course, there is nothing wrong with being positive - as long as you aren't so overly positive that you set yourself up to be disappointed when reality knocks on your door. And I'm not sure there is anything wrong with being negative - because sometimes those folks are actually leaning a little close to reality (plus for them good stuff that happens is a bonus!).

As for me, I'm going to choose to keep standing on the line of realism. Steady as she goes people.