Saturday, February 27, 2010

Note to Self: Ease up on the Rules...

Well, we're basically 5 1/2 weeks thru now (which mean we're in our 6th week's all kind of confusing....). Anne hasn't really had many symptoms as of yet. No sickness yet, not overly tired (although, she's always nodding off at weird I don't really know how I'll tell when this happens).

ME, on the other hand.... We were watching a movie the other night - probably about three days after we found out we were pregnant - and part of it was about a father dying and having to leave behind his wife and young daughter. I about lost it. We'd only known we were pregnant for 3 days and for some reason that hit home so much differently than it would have a week earlier. Can't even really explain it - it just brought out some new emotions. Ok, I need to go do something manly after telling that story.

So I gave Anne a massage the other night. I've been forcing her to eat more veggies. I told her to go to bead early last night to get her rest since she worked yesterday and is working today (she disregarded this order by the way). I'm pretty sure she is going to be really tired of me before long (except for the massages). I'm so nervous about everything going well that I may go a little overboard at times.

For example, a few days ago I sat down and did a lot of research on things you should and should not do when you're pregnant. Natually the list of "Don't Do's" got pretty long (for the record - I only put things on the list that I found on at least two differences sources). Yeah, this list didn't go over very well with my lovely wife. I think my timing could have been a bit better - and I think I should have explained it a bit better when I gave it to her. It really was just a list of things for us to further research, ask the doctor about, etc. She took it as a set of rules. Not good......

And I can see why she thought the list of rules was a bit over the top (examples - Don't drink tap water and Don't cross your legs). But I'm sticking bye the No Hair Dye rule Anne - no chemicals for my baby!

Anyway, we're feeling our way thru things. Apparently the baby is still only a little over a millimeter long, but the heart and eyes are starting to form and it may be possible to hear a heartbeat sometime next week. They say the chance of a miscarraige decreases significantly once you've heard a heartbeat, and then decreases significantly again after 12 weeks. Going to be a nervous couple of months!


  1. You and Anne need to join
    I'm great friends with a group of women who were all due in December of 2007 right along with me. There's an October 2010 First Time Moms group:

    There's also a First Time Dads group...but the site is much more female orriented, so I don't know how active that board is...but maybe you can get it going again.

    It's kind of nice to have the shared experience...though you have to deal with some nit-wits sometimes, too.

  2. Oh, poor Anne! Actually, I think it's sweet that you're taking such an active role in this, Jeremy. When you're a mom-to-be, it's nice to know that you're not in it alone. Keep writing!


  3. I agree with your friend Kate. It's so cool that you're taking such an active role. It will be beneficial for you to understand all Anne is going through and why she cries one minute and screams the next. Love those hormones!
