Friday, March 19, 2010

Gummi Bear

We had our final visit with our fancy doctor yesterday. I don't remember how specific I got in earlier posts and am too lazy to go back and read - but we've been dealing with two doctors thus far. One is Anne's regular OB/GYN. The other is a fertility specialist (there is another name for this that I can't currently come up with). The fertility doctor has basically just helped to make sure the body is doing what it should in order to conceive, monitor the early pregnancy, do the early ultrasounds, etc. So most of our dealings to this point has been with this fancy doctor (or more specifically, her staff - we've seen her a total of two times for about 10 minutes).

So yesterday, we got one more fancy fertility ultrasound. Baby is up to 15 milimeters (about half an inch to us metric-hating Americans). Still just the size of a small cashew, but starting to take shape. The doctors and nurses like to say it looks like a gummi bear at this point. You can see it a little bit - with the nubs for limbs. We could definitely see the increase in size and change in definition yesterday compared to 10 days ago. And the best part was, they turned on the sound this time and we got to hear the little heart beating along (sheesh, if the baby is the size of a small cashew - how big is that little heart??). The little thing is up to 169 beats per minute, which is apparently just right.

Everything checked out just fine - the fancy doctor signed off on us, and has sent us back to the non-fancy OB/GYN. So, we now have our next appt with him next Thursday.

Anne continues to feel really good. It turns out that our issues last week were indeed just some kind of bug. She is 8 weeks and 2 days today, and still really no sickness. If she can sneak past the next couple of weeks - she may be home free!

I'll try to remember to scan the latest ultrasound later today and post it. And I should also say, I think this fancy doctor was a blessing. Most people haven't even been to the doctor at this point - so it's been very nice to have had the reassurance of the early ultrasounds. Although...."blessing" probably would not be the word I would use if not for Anne's very good KU insurance.....

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