Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Latest Dr Visit

We had our nuchal translucency ultrasound yesterday. Almost all good news - along with some very, very minor bad news (don't worry).

Good News:
1) Ultrasound results were very good. Baby's chances of having Downs Syndome or other chromosomal issues is something like 1 in 12,000.
2) The baby has come a long way in the last 3 weeks. The limbs are real live arms and legs....looking more and more like a real baby. This was our first trans-abdominal ultrasound.
3) The heartbeat was rolling right along at a very normal pace.

Bad News:
1) If the baby continues to be as active over the next 6 monts as it was during our ultrasound.....Anne is going to be in a baaaad mood.....
Ok, so that's not really bad news. It was actually very exciting to see how active the little thing was. It took the ultrasound lady many tries at getting the proper measurements because the baby would kick and jump every time she tried. Practically doing somersaults in there....

I was relieved after this visit. Three weeks without an ultrasound seemed like an etnernity after getting one every week or two. I suppose I need to get used to that, because I don't think our next one is for like 8 weeks now.

I asked the genetic specialist (no doctor this time - this lady is the one that determines how worried you should be about risks in your pregnancy)....anyway - I asked her if the 1st trimester was over AT 13 weeks, or at the end of that 13th week. Her response? 16 weeks. What? That's the first we'd heard of that. When I divide 40 weeks into 3 - I sure don't get 16.

Anyway, we are 13 weeks tomorrow - so however you want to chop up the trimesters - we are at least winding down the first.

3 months down - 6 to go!

AND NOW..... momentarily I'll share our latest 4-D ultrasound...

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