Friday, January 28, 2011

Lesson: Have your kids in the Spring

Well, Fenn and I are on about day 6 of staying at home by ourselves. At first I thought I was going to die. Each day has gotten easier though. It's not too bad until around 5 or 6 pm. By then we've already been on our own for 10 hours, my back hurts, and he's getting the 'end of the day crankies'. So those last two hours are pretty tough every day - but we're working on that too.

Of course we spoiled him during his first three months. We just passed him back and forth all the time. Now he's addicted to Mommy and Daddy.....which makes it tough when only one of us is around. So, I've been trying to let him be on his own a little more each day - trying to make him a bit more independent. It's working out alright. Now we have to get him to be and independent daytime sleeper, and we'll really have something.

Even on the good days though.....I tend to run out of entertainment options. Bouncey Seat - Check. Play Gym - Check. Swing - Check. Car Seat - Check. Crib - Check. Reading Books - Check. Playing with Toys - Check. Sitting on Lap Watching TV - Check. Stare at Kitty - Check. Poop, Pee, Spit Up, Drool - Check, Check, Check, Check! And.....that's all by 10 am......

It sure would be nice if we could go outside and wander around, take walks, etc. Hard to do that in January though. I guess about a month from now, we may start getting an occassional day. If we would have had him in the Spring, it would be the middle of the Summer right now, and we could go to the Zoo and Royals games all week long! Even Worlds of Fun.....although I'm not sure he's tall enough to ride all of the good rides.

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