Sunday, June 13, 2010

Blue it is!

Ok, the news is already 3 days old now - so it's probably not news to anybody now - but there's been too much going on to get a post up.
I think we both honestly were going to be very happy either way - but it's nice to know now. We're talking more about names - and we can get to work on the room now! In a way it still seems to early to do some of that - but we only have four months left - and I'm not sure how much in the mood Anne will be to do much of it the last month or two.

One of my first comments was that part of the good news is we don't have to save for a wedding.....

The ultrasound was fun. The real reason for this ultrasound is to check on the development and well-being of Sausage. Every measurement was very normal, very normal heatbeat, etc. They even confirm that the heart has four chambers, which I think is pretty crazy since the heart can't be much bigger than a pea. Sausage (which by the way....sounds better for a boy than a it fits even better now) was about 12 oz as of Thursday.

Sometimes I've wondered if it's really clear enough for the ultrasound tech to really know if it's a boy or a girl. Kind of wonder what the percentage chance is for a mistake. Well....I'm not worried about that for our baby. We saw it very clearly, and before she even pointed it out to us!

I'll post a couple of our newest pictures later! Baby's wardrobe is starting to grow too! Grandma Hager bought him (wow....see, it still hasn't even set in that I can actually say 'him'!)... a pair of overalls the other day. My Grandpa Carlock used to buy overalls for my nieces - so now he can match. We were also in Kelly's in Westport this weekend for a going away of a friend - and 'Red' - one of the guys that works there - gave us a little mini Kelly's shirt. And Leah - our friend that moved - gave us a little care package for him that has a swaddling blanket.

By our due date - Baby was 20 weeks and 1 day for our ultrasound. By measurements, he was 20 weeks and 2 days. So, right on target, and he's actually made up some ground, because he used to measure a few days earlier than the due date.

I woke up in the middle of the night last night thinking how crazy it is that the little guy is only 12 oz - and he's half done. He's going to multiply in size 6 or 7 times (or 11 if you're Liane....) in the second half!

20 weeks and 4 days today! I apologize if this post is all over the place and filled with errors - my mind is all over the place right now - and I don't currently have time to proofread!


  1. We like blue! Sausage weighs as much as a can of soda! :D There's some perspective for you. This last bit goes fast...though you will both probably feel like the last month is taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R. If you all need help with the nursery, I'm willing! Just let me know.

  2. In case you need help: Alex, Alexander, Albert, Alberto, Allen, etc are all fabulous names for sausage. (You realize I'm just listing names for which you could call him Alli, right!) But really, YAY for boys. Now Isaac (Laura's oldest) will have a playmate at the next jerk reunion! Poor thing was totally left out last time! :)

  3. The Ralph Hager (Larry)(Eric) line continues! Yeah for Grandma - I bought Alex the smallest pair of overalls I could find. Congrats!
