Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You're Baby Is About The Size Of.....

Two posts in one day? Whew.

So, we've been reading a book called Your Pregnancy week by week (loaned to us by our friends Amy and Justin who had a little boy in January....thanks Amy!). Each week, it tells you about what size your baby is in ounces, in length (crown to rump length is how they measure since the little things don't have room to stretch out), and then it compares it's size to something practical to give a visual idea about how big the baby is. Anne and I have gotten a kick out of some of these...so I thought I'd share them:

Week 3 - "The embryo is about the size of a head of a pin"....that part isn't that funny - but I remember laughing at the next part: "and would be visible to the naked eye if it weren't inside you". Duh.

Week 4 - "Size is one milimeter - which is about the size of the letter "o" on the page of the book".....or the screen of the computer I guess.....um, depending on your screen size.

Week 7 - "your growing baby is about 4 to 5 mm. This is about the size of a BB pellet". Ok, I actually don't remember this one. But a BB isn't that much bigger than the letter 'o' on the page we learned about 3 weeks ago. What kind of vicious BB gun uses BB's 5 times bigger than the "o"?

Week 8 - "About the size of a pinto bean"!

Week 9 - "Close to the size of a medium green olive". You know.....as opposed to small or large green olives. And why is it just a green olive? Why not black olives....Racists.

Week 10 - "is the size of a small plum"

Week 11 - "is about the size of a large lime". I'm pretty sure I've seen large limes that are smaller than small plums. All about your perspective I guess.

Week 12 - "your baby has doubled in size in the past 3 weeks". So, no visual aid here - but I think it's safe to say that it means at this point....the baby is the size of TWO medium green olives.....

Week 13 - "It is about the size of a peach". I think the author was hungry a lot.

Week 14 - "your baby is about the size of your fist". Ok....Anne and I both read this....who is she talking to? Whose fist? Anne has dainty little nurse fists....and I have big manly meat eating fists.

Week 15 - "about the size of a softball". See. I told you he was an athlete...

Week 17 - "by this week, your baby is about the size of your hand spread wide open"....as we all sit here and look silly looking at our hand, spreading our fingers out, etc. I thought this one was weird. They went from doing round things - to a spread out, sprawling hand. Kind of makes me picture a baby going from a fetal position to suddenly doing jumping jacks.

Then they kind of just switch to weight for several weeks:

Week 18 - 5 1/4 ounces
Week 19 - 7 ounces
Week 20 - 9 ounces

Week 21 - 10 1/2 ounces...."It is about the size of a large banana"!
Week 22 - 12 1/4 ounces

And tomorrow - We are at week 23! So, for week 23.... "your baby weighs almost 1 pound. Your baby is about the size of a small doll". Small Doll? I would think opinions could vary greatly on what size a 'small' doll is. But hey, at least we've moved from fruit to something human-like!

Head of a Pin to a Small Doll in 20 weeks!

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