Wednesday, November 7, 2012

1 Year, 3 Months, 13 Days

That's how long it's been since I've posted on the ol blog. I have two goals. First.....create at least one blog post so that Baby #2 doesn't feel neglected, and Second.....remember to tell somebody that I did it so that it's not a waste of time.

So, here goes goal 1. Although, I suppose if I was really aiming to reduce neglect, I'd start the new guy his own blog. But, let's be took my over 36 weeks to give him a post at all - chance of starting a whole new blog are slim. Poor little guy....getting hand-me-downs before he's even born.

New guy, by the way, is Lincoln Douglas Hager. If I do rememeber to tell anybody I wrote this, whoever it is already knows it's not exactly news. But this way I can call him by name the rest of this post. Initials LDH are after my Dad, Larry, and middle name Douglas is after my uncle Norman (Dad's older brother) who passed away when I was about 8. Lincoln is due Dec 2. Anne is 36 weeks and 3 days as we speak - and everything appears to be going well.

Anne feels pretty good this time around as well. Although the grunting, groaning, and general expression of discomfort has multiplied by a number I won't share as I would fear for my own safety if I did.

Lincoln's room is ready to roll. Mommy added her custom curtain/bed skirt combo to this room as well. Everything looks good, we just need a little baby to christen the room with poo, pee, vomit, spit up endless night crying....and everything will be fantastic.

I'm not sure that having a 2nd baby has really set in. It seems hard to imagine - figuring out how to have a 2 year old and a newborn at the same time. Although Fenn and I have a deal about his behavior during the first few weeks. Ok.....I'm lying. He's not old enough to make deals yet. If he were, I'd owe him thousands of dollars, 3 cars, several pets, and some season tickets. Instead, when I tell him how I need him to become a well behaved, independent little man, he just looks at me with this all-knowing, squinted little grin. And I swear one time I saw little horns come out.

Some days I'm excited, other days I wonder what I've gotten myself into. I was talking to a lady I know in line to vote yesterday (Obama won his 2nd term - take that Mitt) - and I realized how excited I am to have two boys, only two years apart. I thought about how neat it would be in a few years when they could play together. I had some of those Daddy daydreams about them playing on the same sports teams in school. So yeah, it's going to be cool - and it will get cooler as the years go on. But my new goal, after I finish those first two I mentioned earlier, is to figure out how to survive the next couple of get to that cool part.

I don't mean to come across as overly negative. Obviously I'm very excited to welcome Lincoln into the world. And I can't wait to hold a little baby again - I can't believe it's alread been 2 years. But, it's a blog after all, it's where I come to share some things, and communicate some of my feelings! So, on the slim chance that I succeed in goal #2 and somebody else reads this.....Hey....take it easy. I'm allowed.

Late breaking news.....Goal #2 has just been met. I just told Fenn that I made a post about his little brother. Whew....I feel better already.

By the way, Fenn's response was "Whatever Dad, it was my blog first!".

Yeeesh, it's started already....

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