Monday, October 14, 2013


Well, I see my last post talked about how many days it had been. I won't count this time - at least it's been under a year.

Just to catch things up - baby #2 ended up being Lincoln Douglas Hager.....or "Linkers" as I normally call him. Or "Winkin" if you ask Fenn.

Lincoln just turned 10 months old. A few people have asked why I haven't been writing blog posts about Lincoln. I always explained it's because there just isn't time. And it's true. Having a toddler and an infant at the same time is rather time consuming. And in the 10 minutes per day one of them doesn't need something, I usually spend it laying flat and crying....

I always felt a little guilty. Fenn got probably two years worth of blog posts.....and Lincoln had one single post when he was still just an ultrasound. But today I found a little book that Anne made for me for Father's Day. It was a picture book of Fenn, with some excerpts from the blog. That did it. The Lincoln-Blog-Neglect guilt overwhelmed here I am.

The past 10 months have been a whirlwind. A challenging, but rewarding whirlwind. I remember a friend told me that "Having two isn't really twice as hard". She's a liar. It is incredibly hard, particularly at the ages my two little fellars are. I remember when Fenn got to be about 10 months old, he became more independent, happier, less demanding. So, for about 10 months now, I've been waiting on Lincoln to get there. And he has. He can crawl around and get himself into trouble and find things to do without being held. I think my back is slowing recovering.

It's funny, because Lincoln is now getting into all the exact same drawers, turning off all the same electronics when he shouldn't be, making all the same messes his brother did a couple years ago. They don't look much alike, but they like to get into similar trouble.....

Fenn has brown hair/brown eyes, Lincoln has blond hair/blue eyes. Fenn looks like Anne when she was a 3 year old, and Lincoln looks like me. So, we both have our own little miniature versions of ourselves.

Some quick Fenn updates.....He turns 3 in nine days. He has known his alphabet for a year and a half. He counted to 100 a year ago, and he could make it to 1000 if he was patient enough. And he can read. I mean, he can actually read. I'm not talking about knowing the word dog. He is well on his way to being a genius. Which will come in handy since I'll probably spend his college money on an RV long before he's 18.

Lincoln wants to play with Fenn so badly. And Fenn wants Lincoln to leave his stuff alone so badly. Not that Fenn doesn't appreciate his little bother. He's practically decapitates him on a daily basis hugging him. He just isn't a fan of sharing yet. We're trying. Fenn gets tired of hearing the words "Gentle" and "Share".

Little Lincoln is developing quite a personality. He has always been such a happy baby....constantly smiling. And while he literally has turned half of my goatee hairs white, it has been so much fun watching him work his way toward the 1 year mark. It's hard to believe that the little newborn we brought home 10 months ago is now trying to stand up and learn some words. Folks always tell you to appreciate those times when your babies are babies, and it's so true. Some of best memories in my life are just sitting with a sleeping baby on my shoulder (and by the way, Lincoln's Mommy STILL tries to sneak off a couple times a week and get those little baby shoulder naps in).....

I am really going to try to do a few more of these, so that some day Lincoln knows I gave it some effort. And if I don't, just to make it up to him, I won't spend as much of his college money....

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